The Unforgiven III

by Metallica

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:07 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Death Magnetic

Song Author


Tabbed by

Slipknot 101.0


1st → Rob Trujilo
2nd → Trumpet
3rd → Lars Ulrich
4th → James Voice
5th → Kirk Clean
6th → James Clean
7th → Kirk Ryth.
8th → James Ryth.
9th → Bckrnd/Ovrdb
10th → Solo
11th → Strings
12th → Piano

File Size

131 KB




How could he know this new dawn's light would change his life for-e-ver set sail to sea but pulled of cou-rse by the light of gol-den trea-sure was he the one cau-sing pain with his care-less drea-ming? been a-fraid, al-ways a-fraid of the things he's fee-ling he could just be gone he would just sail on he'll just sail on how can i be lost if i've got no- where to go search for seas of gold how come it's got so cold how can i be lost in re-mem-brance i re-live and how can i blame you when it's me i can't for-give these days drift on in-side a fog it's thick and suff-o-ca-ting his sin-king life out-side it's hell in-side in-tox-i-ca-ting he's run a-ground. like his life wa-ter much too sha-llow sli-pping fast down with his ship fa-ding in the sha-dows now a cast-a-way they've all gone a-way they've gone away how can i be lost if i've got no- where to go search for seas of gold how come it's got so cold how can i be lost in re-mem-brance i re-live and how can i blame you when it's me i can't for-give for-give me for-give me not for-give me for-give me not for-give me for-give me not for-give me for-give me why can't i for-give me? set sail to sea but pulled of cou-rse by the light of gol-den trea-sure how could he know this knew dawns light would change his life for-e-ver? how can i be lost if i've got no- where to go search for seas of gold how come it's got so cold how can i be lost in re-mem-brance i re-live and how can i blame you when it's me i can't for-give


Bass and Drums copied from tab created by XanderC56